Treetop builds custom apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. We also build mobile apps that run inside browser windows on smartphones.

Apache Cordova development for multi-platform apps

When building apps for iOS and Android, we frequently use a technology called Apache Cordova, which is an open source framework for mobile application development. Cordova permits the creation of mobile apps using standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). This allows for the efficient creation of apps that will run natively on both iOS and Android, often greatly reducing the expense of developing separately for both platforms. Treetop can advise on whether Cordova would be an appropriate technology for your app.

Treetop has been there 110% for us from Day One — patient, understanding, responsive and creatively helping us move forward to achieve our goals.

– Bob Benish, COO, PSCA


We recently developed and launched a web application for the U.S. State Department. This app provides sophisticated mapping and data functionality to document foreign direct investment in the United States, and includes a backend for data management.
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